
BTS 4000 Series

Camparing with BTS 3000, 4000 series have several capabilities developing.  As the nearly saturated market of BTS 3000, 4000 will be our point project in 2012.  Now 4000 series are used by some important customers but need professional maintenance, so they are not popular in the market.
Also we donot advise general customers to order. In the following we will stress to improve the stability and reliability of BTS 4000.

Capabilities developing:

system accuracy is up to 0.05% FS;
sampling frequency is up to 10Hz;
response time to hardware is short to be 10ms;
DA resolution is up to 16bit;
realize condition workstep, subsection and pointing recording;
pulse testing, mainly in 100ms~1s pulse, DCIR direct current inter resistance test;
C-rate charge&discharge;
channel parallel;

Neware Technology.


BTS-6V4A portbale power back testing system

Neware launch a new test system for mobile power . With the devolepment of the global, people will travel more and more and this must due to the larger amand of mobile power. This tester is based on our BTS battery tester and making charge&discharge seperately. 6V4A is normal model according to the market. The aspect is also like BTS-5V3A battery tester.

BTS-MPTS portable power bank testing system
Having independent charge and discharge ports. it is mainly for testing the back-up power for smart mobile phones ,GPS, tablets and other mobile electronics. And it can also have two or more discharging ports to meet clients' requirements.

  • According to customer's requirement, we can add two discharge ports for one mobile power.
  • The current of each discharging channels can be set independently.
  • Can do the auto sum-up of two discharging channels' capacity.
  • Support "if "step, (if... Go to...), to meet more intelligent testing requirements.
  • Pictures for one unit and one rack of 10units as following:

Neware Technology.